Sep 2, 2009

[Recipe] Halibut en Papillote

今天為了要趕Project, 很晚才回家, 回家之後不小心在沙發上跟綠茶打起了瞌睡. (PS. 綠茶應該不是打瞌睡, 他是擺明要睡覺. "如何睡個好覺"是他人生最大的目標)
打了一個小時很不情願地起來, 因為要去處理早上從冰庫拿出來, 現在還躺在廚房等著伺候的比目魚 :(

這禮拜的第二個目標是要烤魚, 菜單的名稱叫做 Halibut en Papillote. "en Papillote"是法文, 翻成英文的意思是"in Parchment", 翻成中文的意思就是"在烤盤紙裡". 顧名思義就是要把魚放在Parchment Paper裡面, 放在烤箱裡烤. 這道菜其實是開胃菜, 小塊的魚用Parchment paper包成一個packet, 食客打開的時候會有點小驚喜的意味 ^_^"

Halibut en Papillote
Serves 4
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil 兩茶匙的橄欖油
  • 4 fillets of halibut, about 4 ounces each 四塊比目魚排, 每塊4盎司
  • 1/2 cup Champagne 半杯香檳
  • 8 sprigs fresh thyme 八根百里香
  • 8 thin lemon slices 八片檸檬
  • 8 sprigs parsley 八根巴西利
  • 2 teaspoons fennel seeds 2茶匙茴香
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper 鹽和胡椒

  1. Cut 8 pieces of parchment paper (or aluminum foil) into squares large enough to cover each fish fillet and leave a 2-inch border all around. Lightly brush 4 squares of the paper with olive oil. Preheat the oven to 350 F
  2. Put each halibut fillet in the center of an oiled squared and drizzle with Champagne. Add 2 sprigs of thyme, 2 lemon slices, 2 parsley sprigs, and 1/2 teaspoon fennel seeds to each peice of fish. Season with salt and pepper
  3. Place the remaining parchment squares on top of the fillets and fold up the edges to form packets. Simply double folding each of the four sides is enough to seach each packet. Put the papillotes on the baking sheet and bake in the pre-heated oven for 10 to 15 minutes
  4. Serve by setting each papillote on a plate. Let your guests open their packets and spoon the juice over the fish.

魚很快就烤好了, 小嘗了一口, 很鮮嫩爽口的, 讚呦~ 又成功地練習了一道主婦密技 ^_^ 今天綠茶對魚的興趣明顯高很多, 當他聞到生魚的味道時, 感覺非常地興奮. 但是很可惜, 魚是給我吃的, 不是給你的~


  1. 感覺很讚喔~

  2. hahahahaha....那張照片,感覺是要料理綠茶....

  3. 綠茶還滿有定力的嘛 居然肯乖乖在生魚面前拍照~~~ :-D
